Hybrid aortic repair with antegrade supra-aortic and renovisceral debranching from ascending aorta gramirez Hybrid aortic repair with antegrade supra-aortic and renovisceral debranching from ascending aorta Leer más »
Changes in the diagnosis and management of acute aortic syndrome and associated mortality in the last 20 years gramirez Changes in the diagnosis and management of acute aortic syndrome and associated mortality in the last 20 years Leer más »
Aortic Rupture by an Acute Dissection of the Thoracoabdominal Aorta in a 12-Year-Old Boy gramirez Aortic Rupture by an Acute Dissection of the Thoracoabdominal Aorta in a 12-Year-Old Boy Leer más »
A multicenter study of emergency endovascular repair of the thoracic aorta: indications and outcomes gramirez A multicenter study of emergency endovascular repair of the thoracic aorta: indications and outcomes Leer más »