Timing and characteristics of venous thromboembolism after noncancer surgery

J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord . 2021 Jul;9(4):859-867.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jvsv.2020.11.017. Epub 2020 Nov 26.

Fecha de la publicación: 26/11/2020

Autor: Manuela Expósito-Ruiz (1), Juan Ignacio Arcelus (2), Joseph A Caprini (3), Cristina López-Espada (4), Alessandra Bura-Riviere (5), Cristina Amado (6), Mónica Loring (7), Daniela Mastroiacovo (8), Manuel Monreal (9), RIETE Investigators

Palabras clave: Deep vein thrombosis, Duration of risk, Pulmonary embolism, Surgery, Thromboprophylaxis



1Unit of Biostatistics, Department of Statistics, School of Medicine, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.

2Department of General Surgery, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, University of Granada, Granada, Spain. Electronic address: jarcelus@ugr.es.

3NorthShore University, HealthSystem-Emeritus, Evanston, Ill; Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.

4Department of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain.

5Department of Vascular Medicine, Hôpital de Rangueil, Toulouse, France.

6Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Sierrallana, Santander, Spain.

7Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Comarcal de Axarquía, Málaga, Spain.

8Department of Angiology, Ospedale SS, Filippo e Nicola, Avezzano, Italy.

9Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Barcelona; Department of Medicine, Universidad Católica de Murcia, Murcia, Spain.

RIETE Investigators:

Manuel MonrealPaolo PrandoniBenjamin BrennerDominique Farge-BancelRaquel BarbaPierpaolo Di MiccoLaurent BertolettiSebastian SchellongInna TzoranAbilio ReisMarijan BosevskiHenri BounameauxRadovan MalýPeter VerhammeJoseph A CapriniHanh My BuiM D AdarragaM AgudJ AibarM A AibarC AmadoJ I ArcelusC BaezaA BallazR BarbaC BarbagelataM BarrónB Barrón-AndrésA Blanco-MolinaE BotellaA M CamonS CamposI CañasI CasadoJ CastroJ CriadoC de AncosJ de MiguelJ Del ToroP Demelo-RodríguezC Díaz-PedrocheJ A Díaz-PeromingoJ Díez-SierraI M DomínguezJ C EscribanoC FalgáA I FarfánK Fernández de RoiteguiC Fernández-AracilC Fernández-CapitánJ L Fernández-ReyesM A FidalgoK FloresC FontL FontI FranciscoI FurestC GabaraF Galeano-ValleM A GarcíaF García-BragadoR García-HernáezA García-RasoO Gavín-SebastiánA Gil-DíazC Gómez-CuervoJ González-MartínezE GrauM Giménez-SuauL GuiradoJ GutiérrezL Hernández-BlascoE HernandoM HerrerosL Jara-PalomaresM J JarasD JiménezR JiménezM D JoyaI JouA LaluezaR LecumberriJ LimaP LlamasJ L LoboL López-JiménezP López-MiguelJ J López-NúñezR López-ReyesJ B López-SáezA LorenzoM LoringO MadridanoA MaestreP J MarchenaM Martín Del PozoF Martín-MartosC MellaM MelladoM I MercadoJ MoisésM MonrealM V MoralesA Muñoz-BlancoD Muñoz-GuglielmettiN Muñoz-RivasJ A NietoA Núñez-AresM J Núñez-FernándezB ObispoM C OlivaresJ L OrcasteguiM D Ortega-RecioJ OsorioS OtaloraR OteroD ParedesP ParraV ParraJ M PedrajasG PellejeroD PesántezJ A PorrasJ PortilloA Riera-MestreA RivasF RiveraA Rodríguez-CoboC Rodríguez-MatuteJ RogadoV RosaC M RubioP Ruiz-ArtachoN Ruiz-GiménezJ Ruiz-RuizP Ruiz-SadaJ C SahuquilloG SalgueiroA SampérizJ F Sánchez-Muñoz-TorreroT SanchoP SigüenzaS SolerJ M SuriñachM I TorresC TolosaJ Trujillo-SantosF UresandiR ValleJ R VelaG VidalP VillaresC ZamoraP GutiérrezF J VázquezT VanasscheC VandenbrieleP VerhammeJ HirmerovaR MalýI BenzidiaL BertolettiA Bura-RiviereB CrichiP DebourdeauO EspitiaD Farge-BancelH HelferI MahéF MoustafaG PoenouS SchellongA BraesterB BrennerI TzoranF BiloraB BrandolinE BucheriniM CiammaichellaD ColaizzoP Di MiccoE GrandoneD MarchiD MastroiacovoR MaidaF PaceR PesaventoP PrandoniR QuintavallaN RinzivilloA RocciC SiniscalchiA TufanoA VisonàB ZalunardoV GibietisD KigitovicaA SkrideM FerreiraS FonsecaF MartinsJ MeirelesM BosevskiG KrstevskiH BounameauxL MazzolaiJ A CapriniA J TafurI WeinbergH WilkinsH M Bui


Background: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality postoperatively. The use of pharmacologic prophylaxis is effective in reducing the incidence of VTE. However, the prophylaxis is often discontinued at hospital discharge, especially for those with benign disease. The implications of this practice are not known. We assessed the data from a large, ongoing registry regarding the time course of VTE and outcomes after noncancer surgery.

Methods: We analyzed the RIETE (Computerized Registry on Venous Thromboembolism) registry, which includes data from consecutive patients with symptomatic confirmed VTE. In the present study, we focused on general surgical patients who had developed symptomatic postoperative VTE in the first 8 weeks after noncancer surgery. The main objective was to assess the interval between surgery and the occurrence of VTE. Additional variables included the clinical presentation associated with the event, the use of thrombosis prophylaxis, and unfavorable outcomes.

Results: The data from 3296 patients were analyzed. The median time from surgery to the detection of VTE was 16 days (interquartile range, 8-30 days). Of the VTE events, 77% were detected after the first postoperative week and 27% after 4 weeks. Overall, 43.9% of the patients with VTE had received pharmacologic prophylaxis after surgery for a median of 8 days (interquartile range, 5-14 days), and three quarters of the VTE events were detected after pharmacologic prophylaxis had been discontinued. Overall, 54% of the patients with VTE had presented with pulmonary embolism. For 15% of the patients, the clinical outcome was unfavorable, including 4% who had died within 90 days.

Conclusions: The risk of VTE after noncancer general surgery remains high for ≤2 months. More than one half of the patients had presented with symptomatic PE as the VTE event, and 15% had had unfavorable outcomes. Only 44% of these patients had received pharmacologic prophylaxis for around 1 week.

Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02832245.