Endovascular Treatment of Venous Bypass Graft Pseudoaneurysm with the New Solaris Self-Expanding Covered Stent

Case Rep Vasc Med . 2020 Mar 11;2020:4871814. doi: 10.1155/2020/4871814. eCollection 2020.

Fecha de la publicación: 11/03/2020

Autor: Enrique M San Norberto (1), Liliana A Fidalgo-Domingos (1), Noelia Cenizo (1), Álvaro Revilla (1), James H Taylor (2), Carlos Vaquero (1)



1Department of Vascular Surgery, Valladolid University Hospital, Valladolid, Spain.

2Department of Cardiac Surgery, Valencia General University Hospital, Valencia, Spain.


Nonanastomotic pseudoaneurysm formation after vascular reconstruction is a rarely encountered problem. Covered stent graft constitutes a minimal approach. To our knowledge, the present study constitutes the first case of implantation of Solaris stent graft in Europe. A 69-year-old man with severe cardiac dysfunction presented a pseudoaneurysm of a popliteal to popliteal artery reversed saphenous vein bypass graft. The patient was successfully treated by the percutaneous placement of a Solaris self-expanding covered stent. The postimplantation arteriogram demonstrated exclusion of the pseudoaneurysm, complete apposition of the stent, and adequate runoff. No complications occurred, and the patient was discharged from the hospital one day later receiving 75 mg of clopidogrel. Endovascular exclusion by covered stent deployment offers a safe, rapid, and minimally invasive alternative to open surgical resection in patients with lower limb venous graft pseudoaneurysm. The Solaris covered stent provides a new catheter-based device with adequate navigability and exceptional accurate delivery system.